First blogging assignment

Hi everyone! My name is Chris Kloeber; I live in Palmer, AK. I was born and spent my early childhood in Germany until relocating with my family to Alaska. I am a freshman at the UAF School of Education and am pursuing a bachelor's degree in early childhood education. This course is mandatory for my degree, but I have always been interested in art and am looking forward to this course. 

My history as an artist is very short: it includes the art lessons in elementary school and the illustrations for a children's book I wrote for the Educators Rising program. So I'm a dilettante at best. However, that doesn't prevent me from being an art connoisseur, visiting art museums, and exploring visual media and the stories that every painting, sculpture, or architecture reveals.


  1. The art you featured looks like an Aubrey Beardsley creation from the Art Noveau style.

  2. That must have been a super unique experience to go from germany all the way to alaska when you were younger! Being someone who has never moved states in my life I have a hard time fathoming how that might have gone down. I also must say your use of the word 'dilettante' was amazing.

  3. Hi Chris, I love the art you chose for this blog!!! I have always been interested in Germany, did you have culture shock when you moved?

  4. Hello Chris, This art piece is very interesting. it has a very unique line work and is very detailed especially on the gown and head piece. It also resembles the peacock that is next to the figure. Thank you for sharing and glad to have you in the class.

  5. Chris, my history with art is much shorter, I have a hard time drawing stick figures so you definitely have a leg up on me. I am also pursuing a degree in education. Mine is a secondary education foreign language. I have been to the Louvre museum and have seen the Mona Lisa. I have got to say it is not impressive. When I first saw it I thought I was looking at a 8x10 replica and was very disappointed.


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